Displaying entries 2526 - 2550 of 11239




Date August 10, 2004
Name Christy Gianettino
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City Sunbury
State Ohio
Comments I have sent out the word to our church pastors and church friends to pray for Ben. Be encouraged that there are many people here is Columbus praying for your family. We love you all dearly.




Date August 10, 2004
Name jane
Email thebrattons@zoomtown.com
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City crescent springs
State ky
Country usa
Comments Through our "Sheltering Trees" email prayer group, I've come to know Hanna and her family and now yours. I just read your update and pray for God's guidance and assurance in your decision regarding Ben's possible surgery. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this must be for you guys. Please be assured of my continued prayers and sacrifices during this most critical time. Peace, love and many blessings, ~Jane




Date August 10, 2004
Name mike goddard
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City auburn
Comments Hi tom ,jennifer,eli and big ben. Im sorry to hear about bens bleeding and the decision you have to make for another operation. Tom and Jen know we are all praying for your family daily, and thank you for being there for all the familys whos children are suffering. Youv"e helped thousands of people realize what children everyday are going through with this terrible illness. tom and jennifer we all owe you a debt of gratitude for being there for Karley ,Hanna, and all the children and parents your family supported through there ordeal while all along your going through your own. This is a testiment of the love and faith your family has toward humanity. God bless you Tom Jennifer, Eli and Ben. sorry to hear about hanna ,lets all pray for her family. thanks Karleys grandad




Date August 10, 2004
Name Chasity Chapman
Email cchapman@huddlestonbolen.com
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City Proctorville
State OH
Country U.S.A.
Comments Since this all began I check up on Big Ben every morning when I get to work. Usually I am sitting here trying hard not to cry. I have never signed the guestbook before because I have never known exactly what to say. I want you to know that you both inspire me to be the parent you guys are to Ben and Eli. I have two children and I hug and love on them more every day because as you guys well know you never know what the next day will hold. I am praying for you during this difficult time as you decide what to do about Ben's bleed. My heart aches also for Hanna's family. She is such a beautiful little girl. I also pray for Eli as I am sure he is heartbroken over the loss of his "girl". I pray that Ben will keep his AMAZING smile through all of the tough times ahead. I BELIEVE.




Date August 10, 2004
Name John Buckles
Email jbuckles@heritagecc.org
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City Westerville
State OH
Country USA
Comments We have been praying for you. I am one of the pastors at Alan and Christy's church here in Ohio. We have been in small group with them when they first introduced your story. Phil. 1:6




Date August 10, 2004
Name Mary Ellen
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City Barboursville
State Wv
Comments “…Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for HIS compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is HIS faithfulness …” (Lamentations 3:21-23) Just a reminder that we are standing with you ... firmly believing that God is able ... trusting that He is holding you and enabling you to get through 'this day' ... confident that His grace is sufficient ... praying for your focus to somehow, in the midst of this battle, stay on the one who is able to do abundantly more than we ask or imagine ... Much love from our household to yours -- covering you with prayers for peace that passes all understanding to guard your hearts and minds ... Mary Ellen - one day at a time The chorus of this song keeps coming to mind > Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone; because I know - HE holds the future - and life is worth the living just because HE lives ...




Date August 10, 2004
Name Darlene Sanford a/k/a Sniggles the Clown
Email csanford@fulbright.com
Home Page www.snigglestheclown.com
City San Antonio
State TX
Country USA
Comments Father God in Heaven, you said to ask and it will be done. If it by Thy will, I ask that you heal Benjamin. What a precious gift you have given to Tom and Jennifer. We thank you, Father for Eli and for Ben. God, I ask that you cover the Bowens with grace and comfort during this difficult time of decisions while their hearts are broken for the death of Hannah. Lord, though others hurt, I rejoice in the fact that Hannah no longer suffers and she is sitting in your lap. I ask that you give her family a peace and a comfort that we on earth could never do. I love you, Jesus and I believe God, as I know the Bowens do. I ask this in your precious and holy name, Amen. Tom and Jennifer, I will continue to pray for you, please keep us posted on the decisions you make for sweet little Ben. I know that God will take care of him. Know that you have touched thousands of people who now love you. God bless and God speed. Darlene




Date August 10, 2004
Name Saundra Watson
Email saundra.watson@exp-med-sys.com
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City San Antonio
State Texas
Country USA
Comments God hears our prayers. Big Ben's prayer request was lifted to our heavenly Father this morning. I want you to know that I found this web page from KLOVE.COM and my heart broke when I saw the news on Hanna. God can perform a miracle and take away that tumor. Thanks for sharing this website it is an inspiration to me. I am praying for Ben everyday.




Date August 10, 2004
Name brett brooks
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City huntington
Comments hello bowen family, i read your updates this morning and we will continue to pray for Father's wisdom and peace in the midst of these difficult times. i hope you are experiencing Father's comfort, His love and His acceptence. don't know if you heard that josh & lauren mis-carried this past weekend, please keep them in your prayers, they are doing well but i know are hurting a little. i was in indiana this past weekend to sing at a cousin's wedding and heard that clair tatom was coming home for a parade/fund raiser (what an impact that little girl and family has had in that small town). i talked to my aunt (clair's grandmother) saturday night she was so thankful for your ministry to them. their whole church continues to pray for you. your family is such a blessing to so many. love and miss you all, we pray every day for you. in Father's arms, brett




Date August 10, 2004
Name Candy Oliver
Email stormy_new@yahoo.com
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City Garrett
State Indiana
Country United States
Comments Just wanted to send you prayers from Indiana. Your faith in God will get you through what ever you two decide for Ben. You are such an insperation for Me and many others that face this nasty diease. Give Ben a hug from an grandmother in Indiana. Your in our hearts and on our minds. We are forever in HIS hands, so don't give up or give in. Loving you in Indiana. Paul and Candy




Date August 10, 2004
Name Melissa
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City Lewiston
State ME
Comments Ben, Eli, Tom and Jennifer, Praying for all of you to have the strength you need during this difficult time. You have all touched so many lives and I know they are all praying for you. Your faith and love shine through even though I have never met you. My prayers are also with Hanna's family. My heart aches for them.




Date August 10, 2004
Name Step Tagg
Email steptagg@yahoo.com
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City Cordova
State TN
Comments Tom, Jennifer, Eli & Ben - My heart ached when I read about Ben's bleed. He just looks so healthy - it is hard to imagine that something is wrong. I pray for all of you. I know it has been a hard week for all of you - Please stay strong and keep believing. I know Ben can pull through! - Step




Date August 10, 2004
Name Kit Vance-Campbell
Email kitvance@adelphia.net
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City Huntington
State WV
Country USA
Comments Tom, I remember your strength, wit, intelligence and fantastic humor from the old high school days. But most of all I was impressed with your faith in God and not being embarrassed to talk about it to other teenagers. I am so warmed to see your great smile is being carried through by Ben. Your beautiful family is a true blessing. So please take with you that so many people are growing their faith from you. That these people's faith is spending stronger and faster than any disease ever could. I will hold my son closer and more often because of Ben.




Date August 10, 2004
Name susan hentz
Email susan.hentz@mail.state.ky.us
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City Edgewood
State Ky
Country Kenton
Comments You have a beautiful family, that I know God has blessed and will continue to keep safe. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family through this journey. Susan Hentz, Mike and Kerin's sister




Date August 10, 2004
Name teresa
Email tlsmith28@aol.com
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City charleston
State wv
Country usa
Comments my prayers are with you ben i know god can touch you little one may god bless you and your family teresa




Date August 10, 2004
Name Crystal Perkins
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City Fresno
State CA
Comments Tom and Jen: Pray, pray without ceasing. You need to pray over your decision. You WILL be making the right decision because you are living out God's Will. Pray for wisdom and guidance. God will surely give you what you need! I will pray for this unfathomable decision you are faced with. God answers all prayers and provides his divine guidance...all you need to do is ask! I will pray for your entire family and the doctors involved. Ben is in the best hands, HIS hands! Love and faith from Fresno CA, The Perkins Family




Date August 10, 2004
Name Anissa McGranahan
Email anissajm@hotmail.com
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City Ashland
State KY
Country USA
Comments My heart and prayers are with you on this decision that has come before you. I pray that God heal little Ben and be with Hannas' family in this difficult time. I also pray that God gives you the strength and wisdom. I am adding Ben and family and Hannas' family to our prayer request at Oakland Ave Baptist Church. We all will be praying for you! In Gods Love, Anissa




Date August 10, 2004
Name Michelle Lyons
Email lyonzie@charter.net
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City Sparks
State NV
Country USA
Comments I am praying for all of you and have forwarded this on to other to pray as well. I don't even know what to say, your faith is absolutely AMAZING, it's easy to be there when things are good, but it's there when it counts......through extreme trial. Thank God for his mercy and grace and his Son, Jesus.




Date August 10, 2004
Name Scott & Sherri Springer
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City Cinci
State OH
Comments None of this makes sense to our human mind. Asking Jesus for His strength and power to be all around you today. Keep on....we love you guys! Scott & Sherri <><




Date August 10, 2004
Name Sarah Hastings
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City Lexington
State KY
Comments We are standing in the gap for you.




Date August 10, 2004
Name Keri Sites
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City Chesapeake
State Ohio
Country USA
Comments I know, I trust, I pray I believe.....May the Lord continue to give you the strength and courage needed to face the challenging days ahead. Your faith and strength amaze me!! Please know that we are praying for God's healing mercy for "Big Ben". Each of you are in our prayers. Eli...One day my little boy Beckets wants to paint with you. God's grace is devine and his plan will be followed. I know you must be ready to collapse--but I also know you believe God will never give you more than you can handle. May you find comfort in knowing how many people you have touched and continue to touch. Believing.....Keri




Date August 10, 2004
Name Kim Cross
Email kimconcory@hotmail.com
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City Greenfield
State Indiana
Country USA




Date August 10, 2004
Name Kim Cross
Email kimconcory@hotmail.com
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City Greenfield
State Indiana
Country USA
Comments Hello! Please know that Ben and your family our in my prayers. My 29 month old son, Cory has been battling AT/RT since 02/03. He is currently part of a Clinical Trial @ Children's Memorial in Chicago and is doing very well! Keep your faith and never give up hope! Now that I have Ben's website, I will be checking it daily! Best of Luck to Ben and all of you! Love & God Bless, Kim, Cory and Big Brother Conner!




Date August 10, 2004
Name Teresa
Email annah99@aol.com
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City Shreveport
State La
Comments Many prayers are bombarding heaven in your behalf...and God knows where you are and what you are facing. He must be smiling at what faithful warriors you are, even in your tired,weary,scared state. I am so thankful that we can cry out with those honest emotions and it does not shake nor offend our Father. I pray that you and Jennifer feel his hand holding your hand today. In prayer, Teresa




Date August 10, 2004
Name Deb Eissens
Email eissens@frontiernet.net
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City Morrison
State IL
Country usa
Comments Tom, Jennifer, Eli & Ben, Just letting you know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers all day, every day. As you go through the loss of a dear friend, Hanna, and as you battle for your own son's life and making very difficult decisions know that there are thousands of people praying for you all over the world. We will certainly be lifting you up in prayer on Thursday and will be checking often for updates. Love and prayers, Deb Eissens



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