Displaying entries 2476 - 2500 of 11239



Date August 9, 2004
Name Rosie Hebert
Email Heb4@aol.com
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City Windham
State ME
Comments Dear Bowen Family, My heart breaks for you and Hanna's family right now. My prayers go out to all of you. I am especially praying for Eli. He has lost such a good friend. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Ronya Johnson
Email ozibelle@tpg.com.au
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City Wellington Point
State Queensland
Comments It is the middle of the night here. Tears are falling down and prayers are lifting up for all of you. May the God of all hope cradle you in the palm of His hand, as you grieve for and miss Hanna and as you reach loving arms out to her family. May He also grant you strength to run and not grow weary, and bless you with endless special moments to cherish with every day that comes. Grace and Peace




Date August 9, 2004
Name Dawn Sykora
Email dawnsykora@sbcglobal.net
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City Downers Grove
State IL
Country USA
Comments Our prayers are with you daily. We just read about Hanna and don't know what to say. Please give Ben extra Hugs today. I know I will give my kids lots of hugs and kisses. Thanks for helping to take care of Kerin, Mike and Louie while they are in Memphis. You have been great friends. Stay strong, God is with you.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Kerin Hentz
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Comments Praying & believing for Ben! You have been blessed with two of the most beautiful boys, they just light up any room(or clinic or playground). We are here for you, WHATEVER you need, please please ask.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Paula Myers
Email pkrm@juno.com
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City Ona
State WV
Country USA
Comments Tom and Jennifer, I don't send guestbook entries very often; however, I check Ben's website daily for prayer requests. I just got a call (Monday, 8-9-04am)from the prayer chain at UMBC and was told about Ben's results of the CT Scan today. We heard that you are facing some tough decisions right now with Ben's situation, please know that we are holding you up in prayer and praying GOD's will over all these circumstances. Continuing to BELIEVE!




Date August 9, 2004
Name Deanna Fritsch
Email deannafritsch@msn.com
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City South Point
State OH
Comments Just wanted to let you know we saw all of you on the St Jude commercial at 2;25 pm on abc family channel. We all continue to life up Ben and the rest of your family in prayer. Our hearts are breaking for Hanna's family but dear sweet Hanna is where she is needed most. God bless you in your journey.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Terri Booth
Email tldb16@yahoo.com
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City Huntington
State W.Va.
Country U.S.A.
Comments Prayers,Prayers and more Prayers....Love to you all,Terri and Greg P.S. Carri and Brad are pregnant...due the 5th of March!Josh and Debbie are pregnant and due the 11th of December!(It's a girl!!!)




Date August 9, 2004
Name Karen T.
Home Page  
State WV
Comments Dear Tom and Jennifer, I'm sitting here praying for the "right" words and none come. I feel for you today, to be missing Hanna, to be concerned for Ben and dealing with new tumor events, to be comforting Eli, and to be supporting your friends. Any single event would be draining and you have it all, altogether. I pray God will give you guidance in all these events and more. I pray that as you monitor Ben, you and your medical team know when to act and how. I can't imagine how hard it has been to feel so many families' pain and to continue in your faithful journey. As always I will pray for you to feel God's peace and strength. Thank you for introducing us to Hanna and giving us the honor of praying for her as well.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Vicki Scott
Email cyberfogie@aol.com
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City Prosperity
State SC
Country USA
Comments A friend sent me to your page. What an amazing family you are. I work for LoveQuilts.org and am sending Ben a special quilt later this week. We make these with love and prayers in every stitch. There will be a gift for Eli too. When you sleep under a quilt you sleep under a blanket of love.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Cindy Gaskins
Email gask3534@bellsouth.net
Home Page caringbridge.org/ga/jay
City macon
State ga
Comments We enjoyed having dinner with you guys last week while we were in Memphis. You have a precious family. We are praying for you and for Ben during these difficult times. God bless you! Blessings, Cindy and Jason Gaskins




Date August 9, 2004
Name Connie Nelson
Email iluvpamperedc@charter.net
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City Hurricane
State WV
Country USA
Comments With the complications with Ben and the passing of your beautiful friend, Hannah, I'm sure your family's hearts are broken right now. I find it so amazing that the families at St. Jude stay so strong and focused, helping and supporting each other. I admire each of you. Keep looking up!




Date August 9, 2004
Name Halee
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Comments "Eli and Ben--I love you. When you come home again, will you dress up with me? We've got snacks for you...I love you Ben and Eli"---this is directly from Halee....we all love you, call you again tomorrow. Jen, keep looking at your ring. Oh, she wants to add "can we jump on the bed?" too..




Date August 9, 2004
Name Leslie Lopez
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City Whittier
State Ca
Country USA
Comments Dear Ben, I would like your mommy and daddy to know that I am praying for you and of course for your entire family. I believe in prayer and I believe that God will make you well. May he wrap you up in His big tender arms, comfort you and give you peace. Leslie




Date August 9, 2004
Name Mike Hentz
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Comments We are praying so hard for you Ben. We believe and we can't wait to see those incredibly bright eyes and relentless smile




Date August 9, 2004
Name Karen Bowen Wilburn
Email brose1956@adelphia.com
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City Barboursville
State WV
Country USA
Comments Hey Guys. I just can't seem to find the right words. I know how hard everything is going right now and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how hard it is losing Hanna, I hope Eli is doing okay. Give both boys a big hug from me - I wish I could be there to help in some way. I know you have some hard decisions to make soon and I know God will give you the strength you will need. I love you Tom and Jennifer. Aunt Karen.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Becky Whittington
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State WV
Comments Hey guys. So much is going on. I catch my self pray and crying. Praying like crazy for you guys and for comfort for Hanna family. I know how close your family has become to Hanna and her parents. How could you not. Such a pretty little girl. Eli has good taste. I also pray for him and for guidance to try to understand. None of us know how life will pan out. But whatever is decided by God for Ben as for Hanna is out of our control. We can pray and let our wishes known. But he has the final call. As well as the mircles that can set Ben free to a normal life. This is still prayer for Ben. Normal little kids life. Believing. Not understanding why. But believing. XOXO to Big Ben and Big Eli. Such a rough time in so many different ways. Stay focused. Comfort each other.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Mindy Rogers
Email minrogers@yfc.net
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City Aurora
State Colorado
Comments Bowens, I am so sorry that in the wake of Hanna death that you must fight for Ben's life. I will send an email around the office in the morning to let all of YFC know to pray. God bless!




Date August 9, 2004
Name Whitney Merritt
Email w.k.merritt@tcu.edu
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City Ft. Worth
State Tx
Comments I just wanted to tell Eli that I am very sorry that he lost a good friend. Even though I never met Hanna, she seemed to be a sweetheart through her site. I can't believe how much bad news has come out in the past two days. I hope Tom and Jennifer find their decision and it ends up being good. Ben is such an adorable boy and he deserves to live a full life. Please know that you have a TCU student worrying about your family.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Gary Wargo
Home Page www.caringbridge/fl/easton
Comments Tom, Jennifer, Ben and Eli...I am praying for you guys with the difficult decisions to be made. Gods will guide you to the right choice and from there He will take over. God is good and will take care of Big Ben! Love to you all - Gary




Date August 9, 2004
Name Gary and Angela Coovert
Email gcoov@alltel.net
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City Raceland
State KY
Comments There are no words that can bring comfort in times like these. My heart has been heavy all day and it broke when I read the latest news. I believe these kids have strength we will never know. I pray for the "peace that passes all understanding" to come to you this evening. Hannah rest well in your new home.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Danielle Horstman
Email dhorstma@tulane.edu
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City New Orleans
State LA
Country 70118
Comments You all remind me to believe constantly. During this time, let me remind you- God is good, so keep believing!!! I'm storming Heaven with my prayers for all of you- Danielle




Date August 9, 2004
Name Debbie Sheils
Email debsheils@aol.com
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City Huntington
State WV
Comments Tom and Jennifer, I know you guys must be scared and overwhelmed. I know that you will make the right decisions and God will lead you to the right treatment for Ben. I am praying for you guys and believing! Debbie




Date August 9, 2004
Name Connie Schexnider
Email schexnider@hopeasia.org
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Country China
Comments It's morning here and I know that on your side of the world you must be getting the kids to bed right now. I just want you to know that I am joining my heavy heart with yours tonight as you seek the Father's will and receive the mercy and peace that He has promised to give those who trust in Him. I will be praying for you all through this night (my day) as you search for wisdom and strength. I am not just saying this.....today happens to be my "alone day" -- my husband and kids are out of the house for the entire day. I will be fasting and praying for you today. God, how precious to have the kinship of the brethren through your Holy Spirit. In His precious love, Connie




Date August 9, 2004
Name Becky Whittington
Home Page  
State WV
Comments I just read the update of Ben’s situation and options. I am nauseous. And I am not his parent. The decisions don’t seem to leave much in the way of different avenues. I pray for you guys everyday, all of you and your St. Jude friends. I hope you find comfort in the decision that you have to make for Bens well being. I know your hearts are breaking for Hanna. And sweet Eli, I pray for his acceptance of Gods decision to take Hanna. My heart breaks for him, your family and hers. Ben needs you guys to have a clear head and make the best decision you can for him. I don’t know what the right decision is. But I pray God helps you and comforts you in your time of morn and need. Stay strong Bowens. I will be there in prayer.




Date August 9, 2004
Name Kristi McSweeney Haney
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Comments I am on bended knee tonight for Ben and the entire family. I know that this has been the most devastating and exhausting day for you. I will pray that God will give you the strength tonight and some rest to make this huge decision. God will provide. I will pray for the bleed to diminish. God will provide. I will pray for Eli to understand everything that his young mind can. God will provide. I will pray for Hannah's family and for your family for the loss of her. God will provide. He promised that he will never leave us or forsake us. Tom and Jennifer, you are the poster of faith. You all are amazing people. God will provide. Love and prayers.



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